New Media Certificate Summary

When I first started attending the University of Georgia in August 2017, I knew that I wanted to take advantage of every opportunity I could and leave as an overall well-rounded young professional. As a PR major, I was looking to diversify my skillset, making me more competitive in future careers, and give me insight into my future career. The New Media Certificate did not only that but also helped me uncover new passions of mine and opened my eyes to an ever-evolving technological world that I wasn’t aware of prior to taking these classes.

The New Media Certificate involved learning interactive digital media through a project-based curriculum, where we focus on areas such as web development, digital storytelling, and professional development. This means that students get valuable insight into how new media technologies apply in a chosen field, in my case, communications. 

During my time in the New Media Institute, I have taken three main New Media courses- Intro to New Media, Digital Brown Bag, and New Media Production- in addition to the four non- NMIX electives: ADPR 3520 Graphic Communication, ADPR 5520 Advanced Graphic Communication, ADPR 5920 Public Relations Communications and ADPR 5950 Public Relations Campaigns. All of these classes have helped strengthen my technical skills and understanding of new media technologies in unique ways, and I look forward to applying all of this knowledge in my future career.
